Brenda's Blog

Trouble and Trust

by | Jun 3, 2022

Troubles run deep and are very numerous within humanity. I wonder, do difficult intense moments of life lead us toward the scared presence of God or away from God. Whether it is personal trouble which plague us, systemic attitudes of hate, fear, or gun violence, we may react to trouble with a combination of both leaning into God while at the same time questioning and doubting if God can or will really make a difference? If we skirt around trouble, ignore, or pretend that it will go away, trouble increases exponentially. Yet when we walk through trouble trusting in the Divine mystery of God’s hidden, powerful, life-energizing presence God empowers us to become even more Christlike. 

Each semester students in the Introduction to Spiritual Formation class are amazed when we begin our Multicultural Prayer analysis. The students study some prayers from the horrific pain filled time when humanity was desecrated through self-righteous privilege and slavery. The students are humbled, amazed, and awestruck by the author’s trust of God as blessings for those inflicting harm are raised. The power of God’s witness from those in bondage, oppression, and living through inhumane conditions and circumstance shine a spotlight directly upon God’s mysterious, hidden, and unseen presence working for deliverance and freedom of humanity. Out from deeply broken hearts and soul weary spirits, God’s Holy Spirit pours forth from these authors.

The Scripture

In the midst of heartbreak, Jesus stated, “Do not let your hearts be troubled, believe in me.” Jesus encouraged the believers with this statement twice in today’s text, John 14, NRSV. During that dinner conversation Jesus told the disciples of his upcoming death, he reassured them that even though they would experience heartbreak and trouble when Jesus died, they would not be left alone. God’s presence and power would be breathed into believers as the Holy Spirit of God is unleashed among humanity.

What a marvelous gift of love. We are not abandoned or left orphaned, nor do we encounter trouble of any kind solely with our own efforts and energy. Acts 2 describes a beautiful picture of God’s action, love, and empowerment as the Holy Spirit indwells humanity.

“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit . . .” Acts 2:1-4a.

Troubles run deep and are very numerous within humanity not just in biblical history but in today’s national and global world. How are we positioned to hear and receive the powerful presence of God’s Holy Spirit in our personal lives, communities, and nation?

Today’s Prayer Practice

Today you are invited to consider a reverse Breath Prayer. What is a reverse Breath Prayer? Breath prayers are normally formed from our desire of what we would like God to form within us. This may be a 6-8 syllable phrase addressing God such as Lord, lead me to the light. Or perhaps Grant me strength, O God. A reverse Breath Prayer is imagining what God whispers to you personally, to our communities, and this nation.

Today, in our deeply divided and troubled time, you are invited to imagine three prayer sentences from God. The first reverse Breath Prayer from God is for us personally. As you consider the troubles and heartbreak you may be experiencing at this time, what is the unique name that God calls you and how does God assure you that you are loved?

A sample personal reverse Breath Prayer from God to you is: “My precious one, you are my beloved child created in my image to love and be loved”

As you consider the troubles and heartbreak that neighborhoods and congregations may be experiencing at this time, a sample reverse Breath Prayer from God to community is: “You are my people, you are my body loved and cherished, let my incarnate love shine through you.”

As you consider the troubles and heartbreak which our nation experiences at this time through gun violence, political division, and systemic injustices, a sample reverse Breath Prayer from God to our nation is: “My heart weeps with you. Come before me in repentance and open your hearts celebrate that you belong to one another.”

Take time of silence and solitude this week to create your three reverse Breath Prayers for your personal, community, and national prayer statements imagined from God.

Enjoy Praying