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Brenda's Blog

Brenda’s Blog – Weekly Devotions, Reflections, and Prayer Practices

You are invited to experience renewal, invigoration, and transformation in your spiritual life as Brenda guides you through scripture, stories, reflections, practices, and prayers in her occasional blog.  Brenda began blogging in 2016 as a way of sharing her passion for spiritual formation through words and guided prayer.  The full library of her blog posts are here, and you can sign up to receive the occasional blog in your email.


Life Begins . . .

Life Begins . . .

Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone! That was the phrase that caught my heart from the Hallmark movie. We have journeyed together through the desert wilderness wanderings of Lent, then our sojourn shifted into the hope of Easter’s dawning. Now we wait. We...

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Becoming a New Creation

Becoming a New Creation

So Many losses!  Sometimes it seems as if human life is filled with one loss after another. Loss of security in the family as a young child goes off to school for the first time. Loss of friends, loss of job, loss of dreams – and the list could go on. As life twists...

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Resurrection Blessings

Resurrection Blessings

It has been over 30 years and I still can recite the poem I wrote that day. “My Blue Pen” was the name of the poem. I wrote it for a workshop that I attended. The workshop was on Celtic Spirituality. That day my heart was smitten with the earthy spirituality of the...

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Sacred Story

Sacred Story

Stories are amazing. Each one of us has a unique story. The facts and activities of our lives are all different. Yet there are themes that run through our story that are similar to the sacred story of others. We all have experienced happiness, joy, delight, surprise,...

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The Descending Way

The Descending Way

The descending way seems contrary to almost everything that we do in this life. If you want a better job, put in the work. If you want recognition, then make sure you do a unique accomplishment. Work hard at school, get good grades; open possibilities and...

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A Light Shining in the Darkness

A Light Shining in the Darkness

Have you ever been afraid of the dark? Do you know anyone who is or has been afraid of the dark? My grandchildren when they were little, liked to sleep with nightlights on. Things became scary in the dark. What is it about the dimly lit room - why are people afraid in...

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