Brenda's Blog

Life in the Spirit

by | Jul 16, 2023

What is the greatest influence in your life? I remember there was a time when I was a single parent of two young teenagers and I found myself being influenced by TV! Full House dad, Danny Tanner, always said, hug and make up!

What influences your decision making? Do you make a list of pros and cons? Do you have a consultant person that you talk things over with and decide the best plan of action?

How does prayer influence your decision-making process?

The Scripture

This morning we hear Paul in Romans urge us to make a choice for how we intentionally will live life. Will we follow the human condition – that is the nature of humanity – prone toward – judgement, fear, greed, watching out for self above others . . .? Or do we recognize that as Christians our greatest influencer in life is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the power and presence of God which indwells or resides within each believer.

Paul uses the term pneuma 23 times in chapter 8! Wow. Spirit or breath of God, breathing within and through us is the pneuma. It has potential to become the rhythm of weaving sacred and the secular dynamics of life together as we breath deeply of the Holy Spirit letting it enter every fiber of our being and surrendering our agenda to God’s desire.

Our prayer rhythm and times that we set apart to be with God are moments when we are formed more nearly into the image of Christ. This is more than morning and evening devotions. It is a weaving of intention and prayer throughout our days. It is this constant awareness of God’s inner living of the Holy Spirit within us which smooths the rough edges of attitudes, fears, and our rough inner dispositions. This inner transformation compels us to express our love for God through our actions and words.

Our inner transformation must be manifest in a transformed life. A true Christian cannot exist without both the inward formation and experience of God and outward practice of justice, mercy, and truth. A definition of Spiritual Formation which Robert Mulholland Jr. Coined in the book “Shaped by the Word” and which he elaborates on in his book Invitation to the Journey is:

“Christian Spiritual formation is the process of being more nearly conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others.” (Page 25)

What a mouth full. To be more nearly conformed is more than being rooted and anchored in the character and nature of God. It is allowing God’s character and nature to be more and more of an influence which shapes of our inward life. It is not just us holding onto our prayers or love of God so that our life can be anchored in God. It is allowing the indwelling Holy Spirit in our lives to shape our attitudes, habits, and mannerisms more like Christ.

This is the call of Paul this  day from Romans. We are to choose to live in the Spirit rather than be guided by earthly priorities.  Here are some examples:

  • Flesh – Instead of being critical of the other
    • Spirit – How do we become an encourager?
  • Flesh – Instead of hoarding our wealth for our rainy day
    • Spirit – How will we learn and live generosity?
  • Flesh – How often we are tempted to hold a grudge.
  • Spirit – Living forgiveness and seek reconciliation.

It is the nature and character of God who loves all people impartially. Paul is calling us to a radical life-style of love. So that our greatest influencer in life is the Holy Spirit

Today’s Prayer Practice

I really enjoy movies. I especially like movies that come from real life experiences. Today, I invite you to view the movie “Crossroads a Story of Forgiveness.”

Within this movie the father, Bruce Murakami (Dean Cain), discovers the tragic accident that killed his wife and daughter was the result of a street racing incident. When the case against the teenage driver reaches court, Bruce’s powerful desire for revenge (flesh) is replaced by an equally powerful desire to forgive (Life in the Spirit). Watch and discover how creative new life of God can be birthed even from the most tragic of circumstance.

As you view the movie, consider what two-to-three-minute section of the movie catches your heart’s greatest attention. How God could be calling you to live an even fuller life in the Spirit of God through that clip.

Once you have prayed with the movie consider your own life. What is your story of Life in the Spirit? When have you chosen to love and forgive rather than get stuck in the human condition of completion and control?

Enjoy praying